Can you really spot a top-quality fake designer bag?
The argument that fake bags are cheap quality, a one-time use, and easily discernable is deflating quite rapidly. People who have their eye on designer items are coming to realize the absurdity of the million-dollar industry to which they are basically donating their money. They’re also becoming more and more aware of the quality grade situation of fake bags and how some are absolutely identical to actual luxury designer bags in every way.
Everyone loves a good bag, and honestly, nothing looks quite as good as a luxury design slung upon one’s shoulder. But customers are no longer ready to wash their hands of hundreds of thousands of dollars in the name of fashion. A lot of the fashionistas, socialites, millionaires, and even billionaires out there have actually made the swap for fake bags, and their major reason is that the quality is so excellent nobody can tell the difference anyway!
So, are you still in the uninformed minority that stands with fake bags absolutely being unable to replace real designer bags? Respectfully, we’re here to change your mind and have all the receipts to really convince you to jump on over to the other side. Here’s our take on the age-old question, can you really spot a top-quality fake designer bag? And you already know which side of the argument we’re on.
Same manufacturers equal same products.
Top-quality designer bags aren’t just made and put together anywhere. They’re actually identical replicas of originals down to the T, which means that the craftsmanship is eerily similar. Trust us when we say that no maker is skilled to render the same bag without having the same design prints and material available. It’s no longer a rumour that most top-quality replicas are made in the same factories employed by designer houses to make their luxury bags.
If you do the math, it doesn’t take one long to come to the conclusion that products made in the same place and out of the same material are essentially the same thing. Especially when you have both specimens in front of you and cannot for the life of you tell them apart. Everyone, even luxury designer brands, has an agenda. In this case, the agenda is clearly scamming people seeking status into giving away huge sums of their cash for articles that are available in the same quality for a lot, lot less.
Countries where designer bags are manufactured, aren’t exotic locations like Italy but actually generally better-priced factory locations like China, Turkey, and South Korea. Designer houses are smart about their money and thus opt for manufacturing locations that cost less, and frankly, customers should be doing the same. So, now that you know that items of practically the same quality and make and source are being sold at massively different prices, what’s your take on this?
Top-quality fake bags often outlast their real counterparts.
One of the standing arguments favouring designer bags is that they are investment pieces and last a lifetime. On this note, it is to be mentioned that a lot of designer pieces and bags are no strangers to ripping, falling apart, and simply not making it. But while that is another dimension of its own warranting another article for its discussion, top-quality designer bags are durable and loved for it.
Good materials such as authentic leather, calfskin, and supreme stitching make them of a quality that is in no way distinguishable from designer originals. Everything from the interior, exterior and to the hardware attached to them is made to last. Fake bags of top quality are not scams but actual investment pieces considering that they sometimes touch the thousand-dollar mark, too, for people who have a different range of affordability.
Look, at the end of the day, for a lot of people, fake designer bags are about enjoying a particular bag design at a good quality and not having to drain their bank accounts at that expense. So, seeing that top-quality fake designer bags do last, are perfectly durable, and are made with the purpose of becoming vintage pieces in their own right, it goes to say that both alternatives are very hard to tell apart!
Spotting fake bags is not as easy as you might think.
A lot of luxury designer brands and their collectors will have you believe that the process of spotting a fake bag is a piece of cake. You just have to look at a couple of tell-tale signs and then be able to identify even the higher-quality replicas out there. The truth is that, of course, they want you to believe that otherwise, it would become glaringly obvious that there’s hardly any difference between their product and its replicas.
Even seasoned experts have an incredibly hard time distinguishing real designer bags from fake ones. They have to resort to extreme methods like cutting the bag apart to really get in there or a more professional authentication process like verification of the serial number the bag has allotted to it. Even people who have whole careers dedicated to the unmasking of fake bags don’t have an immediate way to figure out whether a top-quality replica is the real deal or not.
The real question is that if it’s really that easy to tell apart a replica from an actual designer bag, then why are such extensive methods even needed? A lot of experts eventually just look at the care package and lifetime guarantee slip that the luxury bag comes with, having found no other indicator that the bag is, in fact, a fake bag. If even those trained to spot fake bags can’t do it, what makes you think the people around you would have a clue?
A top-quality replica is no joke.
Contrary to general belief, top-quality replicas are not made of cheap material, and neither are they rendered through a fleeting process. The utmost detail is considered to make sure that these bags pass off as originals at all costs. Everything from the serial number to the hardware and even the method of stitching is copied to perfection. Some replicas are actually a little pricey in comparison to generic bag brands, and that’s because they have a lot going into their quality and look.
Even the studs, buttons, zippers, logo placement, and number etching are all done to match. Now, if the entire process is practically the same, how can two products be easily differentiable? The dissemination of the notion that fake bags, even those of absolute quality, can immediately be told apart is what keeps designer houses thriving. In reality, there’s only one advantage in opting for a near-perfect quality bag that comes at a considerably low price.
Even vintage designer bags cost a fortune. This means that you’re paying an arm and a leg for a used item that might not even be in the best condition. Isn’t simply opting for a top-quality fake bag the best way to make your fashion dreams come true?
Top-quality fake bags are called mirror images for a reason.
Fake bags have a lot of not-so-nice names attached to their person. But makers and satisfied users know that they’re actually mirror images of the authentic product. Top-quality fakes are not a product of subpar material and average craftsmanship. There is an entire process to replicate the designer bag in its entirety, and this cannot be done without adhering to the manufacturing and quality standards that apply to real luxury bags.
The general process of spotting out fakes involves scanning for any inconsistencies, mistakes, or anything that proves that the material used to render the bag is anything but the best of the best. The truth is that top-quality fakes are at the top of a hierarchy among multiple quality grades of fakes. They are put at the top exclusively because they have absolutely no misgivings or inconsistencies, to begin with. This automatically debunks the ill-informed notion that fake bags are easy to distinguish from their real counterparts, and now you have the full scoop on why that is.
Here’s the takeaway:
So, the next time anyone goes on a rant about how fake bags, even those branded best-quality ones, are easy to spot, we suggest you put them to the challenge! You would do one better to show them a top-quality fake bag first-hand and enjoy the utter astonishment on their face. Oh, and you can only revel in the perfection of that scene if you know where to look for the best top-quality fake bags yourself.
You’re in luck because we have the perfect webpage sporting the best top-quality designer replicas up our sleeves. is your go-to hub for the best designer replica bags. They have the most excellent selection of popular pieces at a quality that will make you question whether these are actually fakes. Enjoy the prospect of having a great bag carrying your whole look without having to think of ways to accumulate insane amounts of money.