The real ugly truth of authentic vs. fake handbags.
Great quality fake handbags provide a world of variety and possibility and also allow you the luxury to collect your favourite designer handbag articles at a price that sounds like music to one’s ears. There is also the fact that fake designer handbags have become somewhat of a wave in the trend department. People have caught up with the realization that fakes look just the same, and there is a huge possibility that everyone and anyone around them is carrying one.
But while top-quality fakes are being positively received and even loved, there are other matters that are emerging in the periphery. The battle of a real designer vs a replica designer handbag will rage on until the end of times. There’s no telling which of these counterparts will emerge victorious, if any. But while this debacle carries on, scams and counterfeits are collecting advantage and profit in the dust of their brawl.
Confused? Understandable. But we’re planning on changing that. In today’s article, we’ll be delving deep into the real ugly truth of authentic vs. fake handbags and what you can do to stay vigilant and informed. Read all the way to the end to get the best scoops on where to shop for top-quality designer replica handbags at excellent prices and with no misgiving about whether the quality factor will lack.
Counterfeit bags are not quality fakes.
So, let’s start by saying things as they are. Just like real designer bags have made room for great-quality replicas, top-quality replicas have made room for subpar-quality fakes. It’s important to make clear that counterfeit bags are not quality fakes, and the term is reserved solely for poor-quality handbags that are used to scam customers with the promise of quality and identical designer appearance.
Counterfeit designer bags are very problematic. They scam people of their money, whether large or small sums of it and have perfected a temporary appearance factor. This makes people fall for the outward factor that looks eerily similar to designer bags when the reality is that there is a practice of applying final coats and stitches to make a fake product look of top-notch quality.
Counterfeit bags are made of cheap material, poor-quality hardware, and craftsmanship that is absolutely awful. They might last out a couple of days, which is time enough for the scammers to convince users that they’ve got a good piece in their hands, only to fall apart, darken, or rip as soon as that trial period is over. When you have products of this quality before you, even having spent just a couple of hundred bucks on them feels like a toll and betrayal.
Social pressure breathes life into counterfeits.
While, of course, logically, it makes sense that top-quality fake handbags have paved the way for poor-quality substitutes to make their mark, the ugly truth is that the advent of it all can be attributed to social pressure. Designer items, especially handbags, are insanely expensive, and a very limited chunk of the world’s population can actually afford them. This does not take away from the fact that people feel judged and inferior when those around them sport this luxury.
Those who have the means to buy designer make others feel inadequate and hence the rise of counterfeits that prey on those having no other option. There is a lot to think about in the social realm and what designer items are bringing to it. It is a natural progression that people should want the best of the best and feel improper next to those who can and do have them. It also warrants that they look for options that are better priced and look the same.
All of that is well and good and more than justifies the creation of top-quality fake handbags, but the real problem is subpar-quality dupes that are popping up more and more. So, is there a way to tackle the social pressure that gives rise to these unfavourable circumstances? We think not. But there are ways to ensure that knowledge of good quality fakes, how to distinguish them, and where to secure them.
Counterfeit bags are quick to keep up with trends.
A reason why counterfeit bags are such a problem is that they mutate and evolve with trends, and sometimes even faster. Suppliers of counterfeits bags know everything about the next hot designer handbag article when it’s going to be in season, the real prices, and how many pieces will be available. This strangely gives them a lot of power to manoeuvre suggestible customers into making bad choices.
Suppliers like to give off the impression that they know much and have internal affiliations. Funnily enough, they are somewhat distorted parallels of the sales assistants you come across when purchasing real designer handbags. This is a major reason why counterfeit or poor-quality fakes aren’t dying down. One would automatically assume that someone with so much Intel about designer handbag trends must be someone from the inside.
And while there is little understanding and research into where this accurate and far-sighted information is coming from to these scammers, the fact remains that they use it to lure unsuspecting buyers into the trap of fakes. It’s important to remember that the simple promise and insight of trends do not make a supplier a provider of good quality handbags, and this is one of the ugly truths that sets authentic and fake handbags apart.
Counterfeit bags can actually be distinguished easily.
When buying a less expensive version of a designer bag, the last thing you want is for everyone to whisper about how fake it is and looks as you walk down the street. Fake handbags of subpar quality kill the entire purpose of opting for a replica. A replica is supposed to cost less and look the same. Manufacturers and suppliers of fake handbags manipulate the desperation of those in need of designer-inspired items and use them to their advantage.
You might have come across videos and articles that tell you how to tell apart fakes, and poor-quality fakes can actually be told apart through those methods. You don’t want to opt for replicas when there’s always the risk of someone popping up and pointing out how the so-and-so dimensions of your bag don’t add up. The only way to avoid this is to either splurge on a real designer bag or opt for a replica that matches it in quality down to the last stitch.
Not to mention that buying counterfeit bags is not the best policy in the morals department. So, since one is already compromising their moral compass, it’s only fair that they get an excellent trade out of it. Fake handbags are only good when no one can tell their fakes, and if anyone can tell they’re not the real deal, then what you have on your hands is a liability.
Designer bags come with warranties to their name.
While the price point of real designer bags is absolutely insane, there is a plus point in the form of security in the investment you make. Any damage or less-than-best-quality display shown by an item is addressed and replaced. Designer bags are meant to be investment pieces that last a lifetime. They come with care packages, instructions, proper storage entities, and people actually dedicated to guiding you in their retention.
Replicas are sometimes just as good as the originals in quality, but they certainly lack the guarantees that provide financial security to people who spend money on them. While, yes, replicas are not as expensive as the originals by a long shot, sometimes they end up costing a couple of thousand bucks. And if someone is putting down that amount of money, they do want to know it’s not going to go in vain.
A good strategy to avoid this if you’re still set on buying a fake handbag is to firstly only opt for top-quality dupes and nothing less. These are known as authentic grade replicas, and they will not let you down in terms of expectations. Only and we mean only, order through sources that are trusted and heavily recommended. Otherwise, you’ll end up with the fate of weighing out the ugly truth of authentic vs. fake handbags.
The bottom line is…
If you’re in favour of fake handbags, there’s really nothing wrong with that choice, and many justifications pile up to support your decision. The only recommendation we’d insert in this narrative is to look for top-quality replicas that play the part well. Luckily, we’ve got you covered there too. is a no-fuss, no-doubt, and no-scam hub for all things designer handbags.
All of the designer handbag replicas of your dreams are available, and you won’t have to check and double-check about the quality and risk of scams. Head to their page right now and spend your money in the right place on the right designer bag options that actually give you your money’s worth.