We all can’t help but want to do what the celebs are currently into. Whether it’s lifestyle, fashion, health, or any domain, we want to know microscopic details of their existence and then implement them onto our own. Designer bags are never out of fashion, and it’s now also becoming increasingly clear that fake bags are also following suit. One surprising detail that would knock lots of readers off of their feet is that celebrities are just as into fake designer bags too.
One would then go on to question why prominent individuals who have the means to afford any and all kinds of designer bags would opt for fake versions. The answer is as simple as it is complicated. They’re saving precious money and valuable time and basically gathering the same oohs and awes they would by carrying real designer bags. There’s also the matter that since they have the money and the contacts, no one would suspect that they’d ever be caught dead near a fake bag.
That established we’re now going to move on to the best celebrity fake bags, why they’re so obsessed with them, and what sets them apart! You’ll also find the best platform to order these fake bags off of so you can get started creating your own celebrity-approved fake bag collection!
A good old Birkin
Not only celebrities but all kinds of wealthy people have resorted to opting for fake Birkin bags. The process and price for securing a Birkin bag are just simply exhaustive, outrageous, and unrealistic. A Birkin is a great looking bag, an absolute fashion statement, and probably one of the most coveted handbag articles among all the designer options combined. A lot of people might think that the chase to getting a Birkin bag is thrilling to those involved; the truth is that it is a drag.
Celebrities don’t have the time or motivation to be involved in an empty race and then come out with barely acceptable versions of the bag they’re after. Celebrities don’t like to compromise either on what they can and can’t have. This is why fake bags make so much sense; they look and feel the same, are great quality and also allow them to make tweaks and changes that they wouldn’t be able to otherwise.
The Gucci blondie shoulder bag
The Gucci Blondie is an article you’ll often see at fashion shows, award shows, fancy dinners, and the most luxurious of events. Chances are that whenever you see it, you’re eyes are making rounds of some top-notch quality fakes too. The blondie is very sought-after, and while it falls under the umbrella of a lesser expensive bag when compared to many of its counterparts. But surprisingly still, it falls in the realm of celebrity-approved fake bags.
The hardware on the bag is to die for, and the variety of textures and prints it comes in makes it the perfect choice for everyone. With replicas, there are even more options still for its customization, and celebs can always allot these alterations to exclusive favors done by designer houses. The blondie is both stylish and practical because of its decent size. It’s definitely a celebrity-approved fake bag you should get for yourself.
The Balenciaga hourglass bag
This article is a favorite of the Balenciaga-affiliated Kardashian family, and since Kardashian are often at the root of trends, it’s no surprise that fake versions of the hourglass bag are making waves in the market. The hourglass is a study, a leather-bound miracle. Lots of celebrities have opted for its replicas to pair it perfectly with elaborately designed outfits. The shape, size, and star power that an hourglass elicits are quite unparalleled, which is why this is a must-have in your fake bag collection.
While you’re not likely to be carrying this to an A-lister event, simply taking a top-quality hourglass replica to any family event will have you become the center of attention real quick. The double-sided hardware is what defines this piece and practically makes it go with anything. While the replicas come in so many options, there’s something about the classic black leather version that screams celebrity-approved more so than anything else.
The Fendi Baguette
This article from the Fendi line has the potential to become a style staple in any fashionista’s wardrobe. You must have seen this in the likes of celebrities like Rihanna, and while we’re not saying that prominent individuals in her league might be carrying fakes, it’s safe to say that a lot of people in her circle are certainly doing so. But can we really blame them when even replicas of the Baguette look just as iconic as the real thing?
The best quality of the Fendi baguette and its inspired replicas is that they’re versatile. The article can be chic in its black satin form and funky when wrapped in texture and pearls. So, tap into whichever personality or mood you’re feeling lately with top-quality replicas of the Fendi Baguette. We can guarantee you’ll be sought for fashion advice feverishly once you’re seen carrying one of these!
The YSL Icare Tote
Totes are spacious, practical, and distinguishably stylish. Even designer houses understand this and have all incorporated at least one tote form in their bag articles. The Saint Laurent Icare Tote is yet to be paralleled by its counterparts, though. Celebrities like Bella Hadid seem to enjoy the use of this pragmatic masterpiece quite often, and replicas are naturally making rounds on the market.
The Icare tote isn’t flashy; it’s just classic. Its stitching, material, texture, and crest sitting right at the very center of it make for the best fashion piece to elevate any look. Replicas for this designer masterpiece are top-quality and have great utility. You’ll no longer find yourself having to carry any items in your hands owing to a lack of space in your bag. The Icare tote is the perfect fake bag to add to your bag collection, bonus points for it being absolutely celebrity-approved!
The Gucci Jackie 1961
This small shoulder bag has a lot of character, so much so that it has become a sort of obsession for celebrities and all other famous folks. Coming across good quality replicas of these articles is tough but never impossible. The delicacy of its size, the hardware, the clasp, and the overall sleekness of the design unquestionably makes this a must in one’s closet. If you’re into small bags, then this makes even more sense for you to pair up with thoughtfully curated outfits.
The Jackie bag has a little something for everyone, and because of its popularity, it has been introduced in so many colors, textures, and designs. This one is the perfect celebrity-approved handbag pick for you if you’re all about individuality while indulging in trend-following. A good Jackie replica will never run short of style and will become a mandatory piece for you that you’ll find yourself reaching for over and over again.
The Chanel PVC Handbag
This one is a slightly more flashy and retro option when considering designer-inspired pieces that are approved by celebrities. You might have heard extensively of this replica when seen on a certain Real Housewives alum who carried it around on the regular. Despite being caught in controversy, the incident does go to show that this Chanel handbag is celebrity-approved and extensively reached for too.
Its translucent style is the talk of the town, not to mention the many colors it comes in. It’s also no secret that replicas have the option of customization. This means that you can further have this bag tweaked to your heart’s desires and make it a fashion statement for your wardrobe and the outfits you put together with it. Not to mention that the various versions of rainbow palettes and ‘by the sea’ options make this bag the perfect item to self-express through fashion.
Here’s the takeaway:
It’s pretty clear that there are many fake designer bags that have the stamp of approval from many celebrities, despite how discreet that approval may be! The only thing left to do next is to find the perfect place to shop for top-quality pieces to add to your handbag collection, and lucky for you, we have exactly what you need!
Fake designer bags are certified popular and loved right now. The debate over whether investing in a real designer bag is worth it has expired and is no longer entertained. The concern is now the quest to find the perfect spot to secure all these replica goods and build your collection.
www.beroma.co is your singular stop for all sorts of fake designer bags. You’ll see selections that are out of this world and pieces that are hard to find anywhere else. Head to their page right now and have your eyes feast on the most exquisite replica designer bags that are celebrity-approved and loved! You’ll never find yourself looking back again.